Baby Bio Citrus Food 5.9oz ConcLearn More
- Well balanced feed, including trace elements required for healthy plants
- For healthy fruit, leaf and root development
- No need for separate summer and winter feed
- High in potassium for good flower and fruit production
Baby Bio Herb Food 5.9oz ConcLearn More
- A simple way to produce tasty and aromatic herbs
- A perfect balance of nutrients for all home-grown herbs
- Use once every two weeks during active growth periods
Baby Bio Houseplant Food 5.9oz ConcLearn More
- Provides greener leaves and vibrant colors
- Suitable for all houseplants
- For use in homes and in greenhouses
Baby Bio Orchid Food 5.9oz ConcLearn More
- Encourages brighter blooms and healthy leave
- Ideal for all kinds of orchids
- Perfect for use indoors and outdoors during the growing season
Baby Bio Succulent Food 5.9oz ConcLearn More
- Aids healthy growth and flowering
- For stronger spines and balanced growth
- Ideal for Mammillaria, Sempervivum, Aloe, Christmas cacti and more